Pilbara Region in WA

Dear Friends, Last week I visited the Pilbara region again for work. As most of you may already know, the Pilbara is famous for the mining industry and it is where my company is mining. The region is extremely dry, especially during the winters, and very hot during summers. When I went there in the past I could not enjoy and appreciate the beauty of this place. I had just tried to survive the extreme weather conditions (a temperature higher than 45 °C!). In fact this time of the year is really pleasant and the colors of the Pilbara are different. From the predominant reddish color of the soil typical in summer, that makes the area similar to Mars, to the colors of some flowers I had not seen in my life (see the Mulla Mulla in the picture - violet flower). It has been a fantastic experience and I hope to visit it again during my holidays to discover the fantastic gorges in the Karajini National Park that everybody is talking about.